Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day 64 - Ms Fritchey

Ms. Fritchey had so much energy, it was easy to describe her as crazy, in an affectionate way, of course. She was my English teacher Senior year. She pushed us, but also understood and didn't bother fighting senioritis. . We read a lot that year, it seemed like every week we were on to something new. This is the year I really started appreciating plays. We read and then watched a BBC version of Tartuffe and I just loved it. The play more than the movie, because the movie was a little embarrassing.

Ms. Fritchey inadvertently gave me my nickname, 'BonBon'. She could never remember how to say my last name and I'd always say, "it's 'bonne' like a bon bon, like a candy." She thought that was hilarious. It didn't seem to matter how many times I said it. Eventually, other people in class would say it and it just became my name.

The last day of class, she stood at her desk and joked with us. "It seems a lot of you have heard I sing." It was true, a rumor was going around our class that Ms. Fritchey sang for the classes she liked on the last day. After goading her for quite some time, she relented and started a song on her computer. We grew silent and she started in, "Daylight/ See the dew on the sunflower..." She sang Memories from CATS. It was corny and beautiful and made me a little teary.

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